
Organization Name

Our World Foundation

(formerly: Jafani Foundation)

RSIN Fiscal Number (Dutch Tax File Number): 853253973
Bank Account: NL54 TRIO 0197 7381 25
KvK / Chamber of Commerce Registration: 58957057

Statutary mission

Our World aims to:

  • realize a platform for collecting funds and sharing knowledge to support a variety of social and ecological projects across the world;
  • facilitate those individuals who know of an outstanding initiative, and wish to help its mission, but unaware of the possibilities.

The Jafani foundation aims to achieve these goals by:

  • contributing knowledge and labour supporting aforementioned initiatives;strategically and creatively giving direction to (the organizing of) events;
  • creating and maintaining a network of actors that are able to contribute to the successful implementation of ideas;organizing meetings and/or activities;
  • doing everything that according to the judgement of the board is necessary, useful and/or desirable, whether nationally or internationally.


The Jafani Foundation is governed by a board of three who oversee the foundation's activities and its finances. 

Toon Maassen - Chairman
Joey Hodde - Treasurer
Chris Monaghan - Secretary

Remuneration Policy

The members of the Supervisory Board are not entitled to any remuneration. The only reimbursable costs are those that are spent to host fundraisers like the Jafani Festival, which have clear delineated budgets. The Jafani Foundation does not have an executive management team or employees. Volunteers help organize events and the money collected is spent exclusively to accelerate the development of the Jafani hospital and his wider goals.


The Jafani Foundation hosts fundraisers and other events to raise financial resources for specified projects like Jafani Nabare's hospital. We also help create matches between entrepreneurs like Jafani and relevant organizations who would be interested to provide additional support.


Financial year reports:

2013  |  2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019

Reports after 2020 will be published in September 2024

Policy Plans:

Jafani Foundation Policy Plan 2015-2017

Jafani Foundation Policy Plan 2018-2020