Welcome to Our World

We are a small charity active in three parts of the world:
supporting students and hospitals in Ghana, building sustainable housing cooperatives in the Netherlands, and organizing climate education and tree planting in Uganda.

But one day, as we learn by doing, we hope to grow into a global movement for our universal rights and freedoms:
education, housing, health care, income, democracy, peace, and a safe planet.

We shall continue, until we’re unified
 - Ramses Shaffy, 1972


News Feed

August 30, 2024

Patience announces Our World at the Purple Purty Concert

August 29, 2024

We have shirts! 🌏

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join?

Everybody is welcome, especially you.

What is the goal?

To unite people around the world, and work to ensure universal housing, health care, food, income, dignity and freedom.

What is Our World already doing?

We are starting as a small charity with activities in three countries.
In Ghana Dr. Clement Jafani Nabare leads an effort to support students with their school and university fees, as well as to support schools and  hospitals with time and equipment.
In Uganda Madame Patience Nabukalu leads an effort for climate education and tree planting across the country.

In the Netherlands Toon Maassen is working on a nature-inclusive cooperative movement that is creating community-owned housing and public space.

And while learning-by-doing, we hope to organically grow into a global citizens movement for universal rights and the safety of our world.

How can I get involved?

By signing up! And we will get in contact to together explore how you could best be part of the movement!
